This page is for current members.
Please consider signing up for one or more of these committees in order to help us get as active as possible within our communities, our state and our nation. We need all the help we can get now! Please also consider taking a leadership role within a committee.
We will be contacting people via email who have already signed up for a committee. We encourage you to get your committee together as soon as possible to take action!
Social Media – people who will work with existing admins to handle all aspects of social media including: Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, and any other options that are appropriate and beneficial
Communications – people to handle communication with people not on social media; to compile and manage a master mailing list of our members; other communications tasks that may arise
Meetings and Programming – people to work with leadership on: finding venues for meetings; setting times for meetings; coming up with ideas for meeting topics; determining meeting agenda; identifying moderators and mediators where necessary; finding and securing speakers for meetings
Community Outreach and Alliances – people who will work within the Outer Banks community to: find existing organizations and events we can support; find ways to recruit new members; stay up-to-date on issues of relevance in the community, in our schools and neighborhoods; report about those issues at meetings
Political Activism – people who will act as our “political watchdogs” and report back to the group on relevant issues, key players and calls for action; separate committees for National Politics, State Politics, and Local Politics, or all work together
Mobilizing the Troops – people to help organize group events outside of the community; stay up-to-date on events being held by other organizations within NC and nationally; communicate with other organizations about our potential involvement; help spread the word about those events; work on logistics of getting people to and from the events (mass transit, carpooling etc)
Mentoring – working with high school and college-age kids to encourage activism
Support Groups/Social – people to facilitate opportunities for members to get together for the purpose of socializing and expressing themselves about current events in a safe place